SMM 060 | Brenda Johnston | My Relationship with Money


In this episode, we interview Brenda Johnston, high performance mindset coach and host, The Limitless Life Podcast shares how you can harness the power of your subconscious mind to achieve your life goals.

This show starts off with Brenda sharing her background. You will hear Brenda recall her struggle with weight loss, and how she went from being fat to fab. What realization dawned onto Brenda once she got into the best physical shape of her life? We reveal the importance of cultivating a positive mindset.

How did Brenda become a certified hypnotist? What is NLP? Brenda dispels some common misconceptions and shares how hypnosis can help you achieve audacious life goals by reigning in negativity.

We will also hear Brenda espouse on her “Money Mindset” philosophy. You will learn how you can overcome limiting beliefs about money that have been ingrained within us since childhood. Brenda also discusses the importance of having a high self-worth.

Tune in for some more insights!

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